february 2013
Dr.Henry Siegman.
He is President of US/Middle -East Proyect.
One of Israel’s most respected political scientists
recently dismissed the idea “that simply engaging in
negotiations will automatically foster a peace agreement”
between Israel and the Palestinians. Writing
in Haaretz, Shlomo Avineri, a former director-general
of Israel’s foreign ministry, called it “a fantasy proven baseless
by the experience of the past 20 years.”
In this he is unquestionably correct. He is off base, however,
when he maintains that previous peace initiatives have failed
because they tried to resolve questions about the terms of a “permanent
status” deal. He argues that even the two sides’ most
moderate positions on these core issues are too far apart, making
agreement impossible. He therefore proposes that the peace
process shift from discussions of the endgame and Palestinian
statehood to incremental improvements—“interim agreements,
trust-building exercises, unilateral steps and other mechanisms,”
that would serve as building blocks for broader future agreements.
But this is the most deceptive illusion of all. For what the
20 years of failure to which Avineri refers prove above all is the
bankruptcy of incrementalism and confidence-building measures.
They were the hallmark of the stewardship of Dennis Ross,
special Middle East coordinator for President Bill Clinton, and
discredited the peace process.
That illusion should be resisted particularly by those now considering
a new attempt at peace talks. European Union countries,
led by Britain, France and Germany, are reportedly preparing to
present Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his new government
with a new initiative for negotiations with the Palestinians.
The initiative is prompted by the anger of European governments
at his announcement in November of plans for new construction
in East Jerusalem’s E-1 corridor and other sites around Jerusalem
that would effectively exclude the prospective Palestinian state’s
capital from East Jerusalem and would also destroy the territorial
contiguity of such a state.
The closing off of East Jerusalem to the Palestinians is a deal
breaker that forecloses a two-state solution: the creation of a separate
Palestinian state alongside Israel. It would also pre-empt
any new initiatives President Barack Obama may be considering
in his second term with a new team that is likely to be more resolute
in its determination to preserve the two-state option.
It is untrue that negotiations that focused on the endgame
drove the parties further apart. There were only three such negotiations:
the Camp David Summit between prime minister Ehud
Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in 2000, the Taba
talks that followed, and the negotiations between prime minister
Ehud Olmert and Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas at the
time of the Annapolis Conference in 2007. Despite their failure,
each one advanced the process beyond where it had been.
At Camp David, Palestinians accepted the annexation of the
settlement blocs—new towns that Israel has built in the West
Bank—and Ehud Barak agreed to the sharing of Jerusalem. The
Taba talks that followed narrowed the differences even more. The
Olmert-Abbas negotiations of 2007/8 brought the parties even
closer together, and according to the principals would have led to
an accord had their negotiations not been interrupted by Operation
Cast Lead in December, Israel’s military offensive against
Gaza, and by Olmert’s resignation.
The peace process was brought to a complete halt only by
Netanyahu’s government. Not only did he refuse to address the
endgame, but he would not even agree to recognise the pre-1967
border (before the Six-Day War when Israel captured land from
Syria, Jordan and Egypt) as the starting point for territorial
negotiations. He reacted hysterically when President Obama was
about to propose in his address to the State Department on May
19, 2011 that negotiations must begin from that point. Netanyahu
called the president and demanded that he remove that proposal
from his address. The president did not comply, but he also did
not follow up and translate his speech into policy.
The requirement that Israeli-Palestinian talks begin from
the 1967 line was so upsetting to Netanyahu and his government
because they are unalterably opposed to Palestinian statehood
anywhere in Palestine. Obliterating the memory of such a border
(going so far as to remove that border from Israeli governmental
maps) is therefore seen by Netanyahu as an essential step
towards that goal.
To be sure, Netanyahu committed himself to a two-state solution
in his landmark speech at Bar-Ilan university in June 2009.
Some naively invoke that commitment as evidence that a resumption
of the peace process is justified. Tzipi Hotovely, a leading
member of Netanyahu’s Likud party, recently explained to these
naïfs that the Bar-Ilan speech notwithstanding, Netanyahu has
no intention of ever carrying out the evacuation of West Bank
settlements. His commitment to the two-state solution was “tactical,”
she said, “intended for the world,” but “the Likud will not
evacuate settlements.”
The Palestinian people have known all along how utterly disingenuous
was Netanyahu’s Bar-Ilan speech. Not only was this
The US and Europe are poised to put new effort into peace talks. There is
one litmus test for whether the move is serious
self-evident from the facts Netanyahu and his government were
creating on the ground, in the form of the West Bank settlements
and building in largely Arab East Jerusalem. Senior Likud officials
were also the founders and leaders of the “Land of Israel”
Knesset Caucus that was established for only one purpose: preventing
a Palestinian state in any part of Palestine. At no point
did that caucus provoke a murmur of protest from the US or from
the Quartet (the joint attempt by the US , UN, EU and Russia
to mediate the Israel-Palestinian peace process). Imagine their
reaction—or the reaction of the US Congress, for that matter—if
President Abbas’s cabinet members had established a “Land of
Palestine” Caucus within the Palestinian Authority.
Indeed, even when Netanyahu announced plans to build
extensively in the E-1 corridor, the best that the US and the EU
were able to say is that such a plan would be an obstacle to peace
and to a two-state solution. There were no intimations that such
a plan, if implemented, might trigger sanctions against Israel
or end the American and European insistence that Palestinians
can achieve statehood only in negotiations with the man who
has been systematically dismantling what chances for such an
accord might still exist.
What Middle Eastern experts, not to speak of the US and
European governments that are calling for a return to negotiations,
cannot get themselves to acknowledge is that Netanyahu
does not accept Palestinian statehood anywhere in Palestine, and
will do everything in his power to prevent it because he and his
government want the West Bank for themselves. It is that simple.
They are convinced that with their vast military superiority
over the Palestinians, they can have it all. That is an obstacle to
the achievement of a two-state solution that neither incrementalism
nor reconfiguration of parameters for resumed negotiations
(a subject to which leading US Middle East experts last year
devoted an entire book) can overcome. Anyone who still does not
understand this simple reality, or who refuses to address it, has
little to contribute to a discussion of this subject.
To be sure, Israelis remain concerned about retaining the
financial, military and diplomatic support of the US , but Netanyahu
is convinced this is not a problem. He believes he exercises
greater control over the US Congress than does President
Barack Obama.
As ridiculous as this may sound, there are good reasons for
that belief. The main TV commercial in Netanyahu’s campaign
for reelection in January to his third premiership of the country
featured his last address to the combined US Senate and House of
Representatives, whose members jumped up from their seats to
applaud wildly every second sentence in his speech. The speech
included the suggestion that the West Bank is “disputed” territory,
not occupied territory, to which Israel has as much a claim as
do the Palestinians, a claim rejected by the whole world, the only
exceptions being residents of the Capitol building in Washington.
But it is not only the behaviour of the US Congress that gives
Netanyahu and his supporters the confidence that the US will
always have their back. It is a notion reinforced by President
Obama as well. In his speech to the UN General Assembly in
September of 2011, he admonished Palestinians, saying that they
could achieve statehood only through negotiations with Israel. He
thus removed the issue from the realm of international legality
and turned it over to the man he knew, from the experience of his
first two years in office, will never allow that to happen.
Both formally and politically, what the president said is
untrue. Formally, the right to self-determination by a majority
population in previously mandated territories is a “peremptory
norm” in international law. The implementation of that right
was one of the primary purposes of the UN’s establishment, and
international courts have confirmed it is a right that even overrides
conflicting treaties or agreements. The only reason the
Security Council has failed in its clear responsibility to implement
the Palestinians’ right to self-determination is Obama’s
threatened veto.
Practically, it is true that given its overwhelming military
power, and the virtually uncritical support it receives from the
US in the exercise of that power, Israel’s government can and will
continue to block Palestinian statehood. But that is a reason not
to subject the Palestinians’ peremptory right to self-determination
to an Israeli veto. Instead it is a reason to demand that the
UN exercise the role assigned to it by its charter. Israel’s engage-
ment with the Palestinians will cease to be the historic fraud it
has been only when its government comes to believe that its continued
stonewalling will lead to America’s support for intervention
by the Security Council. That is yet to happen.
Formally, the right to self-determination by a majority
population in previously mandated territories is a “peremptory
norm” in international law. The implementation of that right
was one of the primary purposes of the UN’s establishment, and
international courts have confirmed it is a right that even overrides
conflicting treaties or agreements. The only reason the
Security Council has failed in its clear responsibility to implement
the Palestinians’ right to self-determination is Obama’s
threatened veto.
Practically, it is true that given its overwhelming military
power, and the virtually uncritical support it receives from the
US in the exercise of that power, Israel’s government can and will
continue to block Palestinian statehood. But that is a reason not
to subject the Palestinians’ peremptory right to self-determination
to an Israeli veto. Instead it is a reason to demand that the
UN exercise the role assigned to it by its charter. Israel’s engage-
ment with the Palestinians will cease to be the historic fraud it
has been only when its government comes to believe that its continued
stonewalling will lead to America’s support for intervention
by the Security Council. That is yet to happen.
The problem is that too often the policy proposals of experts
and diplomats are shaped in response to the claims made by the
protagonists, but not by realities on the ground. Israel’s government
insists it has no choice but to continue its occupation
because it has made many painful concessions, and promised
more, only to run up against Palestinian refusals to consider
reciprocal concessions. It will put to you that in return for Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon’s magnanimous unilateral withdrawal from
Gaza in 2005, President George W. Bush agreed to allow Israel to
take in the main settlement blocs.
However, Israel has not offered a single concession on any of
the issues in dispute. On every one, whether borders, territory,
Jerusalem, refugees, water or security, it wants the concessions to
be made by Palestinians. Not a single concession has been offered
by Netanyahu on Israel’s side of the 1967 border.
As to the alleged “gift” of the settlement blocs to Sharon,
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said this at a joint press
conference with Israel’s then-foreign minister Tzipi Livni in
February 2006:
“The United States position on [unilateral changes in the border]
is very clear and remains the same. No one should try and
unilaterally predetermine the outcome of a final status agreement.
That’s to be done at final status. The President did say
that at the time of final status, it will be necessary to take into
account new realities on the ground that have changed since 1967,
but under no circumstances should… anyone try and do that in
a preemptive or predetermined way, because these are issues for
negotiation at final status.”
Netanyahu has famously accused Palestinians of demanding
that Israel “give and give, while they only take and take.”
This comes from the head of a government that has already
helped itself to more than 60 per cent of the West Bank. Here
is what Israel’s president, Shimon Peres, had to say on the subject.
When challenged to defend his claims for the importance of
the 1993 Oslo Accords (and for which he was awarded the Nobel
Peace Prize), Peres said, “Before Oslo, the Palestinian state’s
size should have been according to the 1947... UN map. In Oslo,
Arafat moved from the 1947 map to the 1967 one. He gave up
on 22 per cent of the West Bank. I don’t know any Arab leader
who would give up 2 or 3 per cent. He gave up 22 per cent.” (But
instead of acknowledging that this concession was a gut-wrenching
one-sided Palestinian contribution to peace, Peres described
it as “our greatest achievement.”)
If Netanyahu and his new government are not to continue on
their certain road to apartheid, President Obama would have
to leave no doubt in their minds that the “special relationship”
between the US and Israel has its roots in shared values, and an
Israeli government that acts in egregious violation of those values
undermines that special relationship. International law grants
native populations of former colonies the right to national selfdetermination.
An Israel that denies Palestinians that right—in
this case, in the territories beyond the pre-1967 border—while at
the same time denying them full and equal Israeli citizenship is
not a democracy but an apartheid state.
Is President Obama up to that challenge? Nothing in his
performance during his first term in office would indicate that
he is. However, two recent developments hold out some hope.
The first, as indicated above, is his nomination of Senator John
Kerry as Secretary of State and Senator Chuck Hagel as Secretary
of Defence—two men who have few illusions about the reason
for the failure of the peace process and the courage to speak
the truth.
The second are intimations of a new European initiative to
present to Israel’s new government a set of clear parameters
that establish the pre-1967 border (with provision for equal land
swaps to compensate Palestinians for Israel’s retention of the
large settlement blocs) as the starting point for resumed peace
talks. It is a parameter that by definition precludes Israel’s unilateral
annexation of all of East Jerusalem. Another parameter
would preclude a large scale return of Palestinian refugees to
their previous homes in Israel.
Because the UK, France and Germany are reportedly all on
board, it is likely this initiative will also receive the backing of
most—perhaps all—EU countries. More important, its sponsors
are likely to have received assurances that even if Washington
will not lead the effort, it will not block it. If so, that
would indeed be a significant change of direction. Ironically,
the chances of this initiative’s success will only be strengthened
if the new Israeli government proves even more rigidly opposed
to Palestinian statehood.
But no one should be deceived about the chances of such
an initiative if it does not contain the one condition that is the
litmus test of its seriousness. That is that if the parties do not
accept the parameters or are not able to reach an accord by a
certain date, the terms for an end to Israel’s occupation of the
West Bank will be determined by the UN Security Council, acting
under Chapter VII of the Charter. If it lacks that provision,
or the provision faces the threat of an American veto, the initiative
will be as phony as Netanyahu’s commitment to a two-state
solution in his Bar-Ilan speech.
For nothing short of the threat of being turned into a pariah
by the entire international community because of its apartheid
regime will persuade Israel’s electorate to bring back a government
that will safeguard the country’s democratic character and
accept a viable and sovereign Palestinian state along its border.